#meetFlexe Nick Lehman

7 min readAug 25, 2020

#meetFlexe is an ongoing series profiling the individuals that make up the Flexe team. To learn more about Flexe, visit www.flexe.com/company.

We love highlighting our people and this one is particularly special. Nick has been at Flexe for 5 years! This is our inaugural 5-year anniversary, outside of our founders. We are so lucky to have him on the team, and very excited to celebrate his milestone and the others that are to come.

Tell us about yourself — what’s your story?

I fell into the logistics world completely by accident, having been a barista serving the president and owner of a regional 3PL provider right after college. He loved my customer-centric attitude and offered me an interview, which led to a job that introduced me to the chaotically fun world of logistics. I worked there for about four and a half years before I took a chance on a small startup company in Seattle, and I have been happily at Flexe ever since!

What’s your role at Flexe?

My current role is Sr. Manager, Logistics, and I have a team of amazing employees working to make sure all of our customers on both sides of the marketplace (retailers/brands and warehouse providers) are getting top-of-the-line service to keep products flowing efficiently and accurately. Being in a marketplace business is hard, but it is gratifying to coach and grow my employees in such a fast-paced environment.

The continuous growth of eCommerce sales has been the impetus for a lot of companies to change the way they think about getting their products into customers’ hands, and Flexe is at the forefront of making that easier and more scalable.

Why did you choose to work for Flexe?

I was very interested in working at a startup company, and I believed in Flexe’s vision of disrupting a massive industry for the better. I had been a part of the old logistics model and seen some of the pitfalls that come with a lack of flexibility in the supply chain. The idea of making that process more accessible and mitigate risk for companies was compelling.

What ultimately solidified my choice, however, was meeting our CEO in the interview loop. Karl has an innate ability to inspire and build trust, and I knew after talking to him for an hour that I wanted to learn from him. He so clearly explained the vision for what Flexe could be that I was ready to jump in and make my mark.

I think Flexe has always done a great job of ensuring that we have balance in our lives, and understand the importance of taking time off for mental health, so for me this has never felt overly difficult.

What excites you most about the logistics industry?

Being a part of an industry that is seeing so much rapid change is very exciting. Over the last few years, the continuous growth of eCommerce sales has been the impetus for a lot of companies to change the way they think about getting their products into customers’ hands, and Flexe is at the forefront of making that easier and more scalable.

I also love that supply chain is a complex puzzle, and that we are involved in helping people put all the pieces together. There is always a new problem that needs resolution, and I thrive in seeking solutions to meet our customers needs.

What makes being on your team at Flexe great?

Our people are what truly make the Operations team great. The fast-paced nature of our job can be challenging, but the sense of camaraderie keeps everyone tracking tasks with the knowledge that they have support. We work together at all times to ensure that our customers are the top priority, and we are collaborative in striving for our goals. This is all a direct reflection of our leadership team, and we could not do it without their unending support and encouragement.

How do you make time for your family/loved ones?

I think Flexe has always done a great job of ensuring that we have balance in our lives, and understand the importance of taking time off for mental health, so for me this has never felt overly difficult. There are times where the hours can stretch, but I have always felt comfortable raising the white flag and knowing that I have the full support of leadership and my peers. This is all the more pertinent for me, since I welcomed my first child into the world recently, and the ability to have time with her is of utmost importance! I am very grateful to work at a place that recognizes that need.

Where do you find inspiration?

It may sound cliche, but I feel like I draw on inspiration from so many things around me. I love arts and cultural activities, and I am always amazed at the passion I see in those around me. Seeing people who are passionate about what they are doing, be it a hobby or career, is truly what inspires me to do the same.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

I think people would be surprised to learn that before I fell into the logistics world, I trained as a firefighter/EMT for the better part of a year, and played one season for a semi-professional soccer team. I did not know where I wanted to go in my career, but color-me-surprised that I ended up being such a great fit for warehousing and logistics.

Who’s work style do you admire and want to emulate?

Our CEO, Karl, has been a source of inspiration since the day I started working here. There is an inherent likability in him, and it all stems from his honest and open nature. Even after all the years we have worked together, I am still amazed by his poise and leadership through whatever challenges our company faces. He is quick to praise work well done, and will always lend a helping hand or coaching opportunity where needed, both of which are things I have adopted in my management career.

From Karl:

Thank you Nick for Making It Better at Flexe for 5 years! Some may wonder, what exactly is the “It” that Nick has Made Better? Well, it turns out there are lots of “Its” that Nick has bettered over the years.

Not many know this, but Nick actually started here at Flexe as our very first “BDA,” doing outbound cold calling to warehouses and customers and screening inbound calls from both as well. Nick made all of these processes MUCH better in the early days. Nick then joined the Ops team and made many of our customers’ and warehouses’ experiences better, while also architecting some early processes for figuring out how to do things in a more repeatable, scalable, better way. Nick then went on to serve some of our largest and most important customers, and most recently has made things WAY better by building and growing some of our best teams at the company.

In short, Nick — you have made our TEAM better, our COMPANY better, and our COMMUNITY better. Thank you for a fantastic 5 years, and I couldn’t be more excited to imagine what you’ll do in the next 5!!

What are your hobbies outside of work?

I have not done much of this recently with our new family addition, but I love being outdoors. Hiking, camping, or even urban exploring are all things I love to do that help clear my head. There is nothing wrong with a night in binge-watching, but I need fresh air to be truly happy.

What organizations are important to you and why?

I work every year at the Washington State Thespian Festival, and it is an organization that means a lot to me. My late mother and I used to volunteer there together, so it is a way to honor her by continuing my support of the organization and all that it does for kids who want to go into something that does not always have scholarship money. The kids involved in the theater need an outlet as much as anyone, and I love that the festival is a place of support and encouragement.

If you had your own personal warehouse and could fill it with any one thing, what would it be?

There is definitely some recency bias here, but diapers! To a new parent, those might be more valuable than gold.

What fictional character would you be and why?

I am admittedly a pretty big nerd, and I love fantasy stories. To that end, I think I would be Belgarath the Sorcerer, which is a reference to my favorite book series. He is an imperfect hero figure, and I love that he is honest about who and what he is: a rogue figure who seems cantankerous, but is always working towards the greater good!

Favorite buzzword or phrase and why?

“This too shall pass” — no matter how chaotic or challenging life seems to be at any given moment, it will pass. My mom used to say this to me growing up, and it has stuck with me as a way to stay calm through the storms.

Find more #meetFlexe profiles here.




Flexe delivers technology-powered, omnichannel logistics programs. The world’s largest retailers and brands use Flexe to move fast and with precision.